Subscriptions / Membership
Members receive 4 issues of the Waka Kuaka | Journal of the Polynesian Society annually, discounts on all publications and the right to attend the AGM. Student discounts are currently available. Members over 60 years of age and with ten years continuous subscription/membership can apply for Life Membership by emailing our Secretary at
Since 2023, the journal has become a fully online subscription service. Past electronic issues between 2013 and up to the 2-year embargo date can be downloaded without a subscription. Back issues (pre-2021) of The Journal of the Polynesian Society can normally be downloaded free of charge from The University of Auckland Library website, however this service has been temporarily suspended due to technical issue .
Some printed issues of The Journal of the Polynesian Society are still available at $NZ15 each, plus postage and packing. Contents of recent issues can be viewed by clicking >here<.