
About subscriptions

Individuals wanting to subscribe to the Journal of the Polynesian are also offered a choice of Membership to the Society as one of the Subscription Types. This entitles the right to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) as well as discounts on all publications.

Members/Subscribers receive 4 issues of the Journal of the Polynesian Society annually (approx. 450 pages per year). Student discounts are currently available.

Subscription costs vary by subscriber category.  Issues more than two years old are "open access". Issues from 2012 forward are available by clicking >here<. Until 2023, most back issues of the JPS from 1892 were freely downloadable from The University of Auckland Library website portal entitled Journal of the Polynesian Society. Unfortunately, this site has been suspended for technical/compatability reasons for the foreseeable  future.

Many print back issues of the Journal are still available at $NZ15 each, plus postage and packing from the Office

Subscriptions Contact

Roi Burnett

c/- Pacific Studies, School of Māori and Pacific Studies, The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand

Individual Subscriptions

Individual subscriptions require login to access subscription content.

Name Format Duration Cost
Individual Membership of the Society (electronic download)
Annual subscription entitles individual member download of all existing electronic (PDF) issues of the journal.
Online 1 year 2 months 50.00 (NZD)
Student Member (electronic download)
Annual subscription entitles student member to download all existing electronic (PDF) issues of the journal.
Online 1 year 2 months 25.00 (NZD)
Life Membership (online web access only) by application only

On-line subscription for members who have been with the Society for 10 years or more and have reached 60 years of age must be applied for by by emailing our Secretary at

Online 30 years 100.00 (NZD)
Individual subscription (electronic download)
Online 1 year 2 months 50.00 (NZD)

Institutional Subscriptions

Institutional subscriptions do not require login. The user's domain and/or IP address is used to provide access to subscription content.

Name Format Duration Cost
Institutional Subscriber (electronic, no printed copy required)

Annual subscription entitles download access to all existing electronic (PDF) issues of the journal by password or IP address/range. As of 2026 cost will increase to NZD $250

Online 1 year 2 months 170.00 (NZD)
Institutional Subscriber via Agency (electronic, no printed copy required)

For Subscription Agencies to pay on behalf of their client. The agency discount of 5% has been deducted. As of 2026 Agency cost will be NZD $237.50

Online 1 year 2 months 161.50 (NZD)