Other Publications

Publications of the Polynesian Society

The primary publication of the Polynesian Society is Waka Kuaka: The Journal of the Polynesian Society, which is released quartlery. Issues released over the last three years, including the current issue, can be accessed through an online subscription. Back issues (1892 >) can be accessed via JSTOR.

In addition, the Society publishes occasional memoirs, manuscripts, and other texts. These publications, listed here, are available to members of the Polynesian Society (at a 20 percent discount, plus postage and packing), and to non-members (at the prices listed, plus postage and packing) from the Society's office: Pacific Studies, Te Wānanga o Waipapa The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92012, Auckland. All prices are in NZ$ (GST exclusive).

 Nga Moteatea Potatau  Oldman Polynesia  Mangaia