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Vol. 133 No. 4 (2024)
Starboard side of the taurapa from Thomas Kendall’s 1823 Marianna
consignment. Purchased by the New Zealand Government in 1948, as part of
the Oldman Collection. OL000049/1, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
Photograph by Maarten Holl. -
Waka Kuaka | Journal of the Polynesian Society
Vol. 133 No. 3 (2024)’Ahu heva tūpāpa’u headdress, mask and breast crescent
components. Photograph by Pauline Reynolds, 2022.
Courtesy Perth Museum, Culture Perth & Kinross, Perth, Scotland. -
Waka Kuaka | Journal of the Polynesian Society
Vol. 133 No. 2 (2024)A display cabinet containing items from the Māori
collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford.
Photograph by Richard Wolfe. -
Waka Kuaka | Journal of the Polynesian Society
Vol. 133 No. 1 (2024)SPECIAL ISSUE:
in a room, in a house, on an island, in an ocean
Cover: Jimmy Ma‘ia‘i, Sunday Best, plastic outdoor chairs, plastic primer,
enamel paint. Image courtesy of Enjoy Contemporary Art Space.
Photograph by Cheska Brown, Nov. 2022. -
Waka Kuaka | The Journal of the Polynesian Society
Vol. 132 No. 4 (2023)Carved detail from Tauihu “XII” (Kendall no. 12), Museum Rietberg, Zürich,
RPO 12 (full image in Figure 9 of Deidre Brown’s article). -
Waka Kuaka | The Journal of the Polynesian Society
Vol. 132 No. 3 (2023)Henry Lie and his family with Liv Heyerdahl, Puamau, 1937.
Collection of Michael J. Koch.
Photograph has been adapted for use on this cover. -
Waka Kuaka | The Journal of the Polynesian Society
Vol. 132 No. 1 & 2 (2023)SPECIAL ISSUE:
Cover image: The beautiful lalava (lashings) created
by Sopolemelama Filipe Tohi in the Fale Pasifika
at the University of Auckland. Picture taken
by Julia Mageau Gray and used with the permission
of the office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Pacific. -
Waka Kuaka | The Journal of the Polynesian Society
Vol. 131 No. 4 (2022)Cover image: A flock of bar-tailed godwit in flight.
Photograph taken by (and courtesy of) Phil Battley,
School of Natural Sciences, Massey University. -
September 2022
Vol. 131 No. 3 (2022)Cover image: A choir from Hihifo village, Niuatoputapu competing in the national competition, 1974. Photograph: Richard Moyle.
June 2022
Vol. 131 No. 2 (2022)Cover image: Sailing canoes on the beach, Pileni, Reef Islands, Swallow Group, Solomon Islands, 1906. Photo by J. Beattie, courtesy of the National Library of Australia, PIC/7580/210 LOC Album 461. https://nla.gov.au:443/tarkine/nla.obj-141059262
March 2022
Vol. 131 No. 1 (2022)On 7 February 2004, the day after Waitangi Day, Joan Metge (right) joined members of the Māori community of Ahipara and a large and diverse crowd of visitors attending a daytime gathering hosted by Te Rarawa and Te Aupōuri iwi on the Ahipara foreshore of Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē (Ninety Mile Beach). The highlight of this gathering was a ceremony in which the iwi kāinga ‘homefolks’ and visitors joined in holding a taura whiri ‘woven rope’ stretching northwards for two kilometres from Ahipara. In this ceremony Te Rarawa and Te Aupōuri affirmed their customary rights in relation to Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē and declared that these rights included sharing the seaside and its resources with others, not denying them access. Photograph by John Miller.
December 2021
Vol. 130 No. 4 (2021)Upper blades of the ceremonial paddles ‘ao from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) represent stylised depictions of a human face with a feather crown: (left) ‘ao 22845 in the Ethnology Museum, Vienna; (right) ‘ao E129749 in the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Drawings by Paul Horley.
September 2021
Vol. 130 No. 3 (2021)PLEASE NOTE: Because Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand has been in COVID19 lockdown regulations since August, we are unable to access and post out printed issues of the Journal. We apologise and thank you for your patience - we will make delivery at the earliest opportunity.
Cover image: Robert Carl Suggs cleaning a stratigraphic section at the Ha‘atuatua site.
Nuku Hiva Island (Marquesas Islands), in 1956. Photo courtesy Robert Suggs. -
June 2021
Vol. 130 No. 2 (2021)Cover image: Mōai taŋata wooden figurine from Easter Island, curated in the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, St Petersburg (Inv. 402-2; acquired by Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay 1871). Red pigment is preserved on the teeth and in the nostrils; the glyph “Three Water Spirits” features tiny obsidian inlays. Photograph by Albert Davletshin, by the courtesy of Tatiana Sokolova (Senior Curator of the collection “Oceania, Australia and Indonesia”).
March 2021
Vol. 130 No. 1 (2021)Cover image: Tiale Mele Panapa feeds the fish at her grandfather’s fishpond on Vaitupu, Tuvalu. Photograph by Keith Chambers, 2010.
December 2020
Vol. 129 No. 4 (2020)Cover image: Double-petal form of kaute, Potaka Marae, Takitumu District, Rarotonga, southern Cook Islands. Photograph by Gerald McCormack.
September 2020
Vol. 129 No. 3 (2020)Cover image: Competitive players from the Marshall Islands engrossed in a game of checkers. Photograph by Alex de Voogt, 2017.
June 2020
Vol. 129 No. 2 (2020)Cover image: Grass-thatched houses at the mouth of Miloliʻi Valley, ca. 1900. Photograph by W.H. Deverill, Bishop Museum.
March 2020
Vol. 129 No. 1 (2020)Cover image: Man of the Island of Tanna, engraving by J. Basire after W. Hodges (Cook 1777: plate 26).
December 2019
Vol. 128 No. 4 (2019)Special issue: Religious Rupture and Revival in the Pacific
Cover image: Exterior of (old) Falealupo Catholic Church on the north-western
coast of Savai‘i, which was destroyed by Hurricane Ofa in 1990.
Photograph by Hamish Macdonald. -
September 2019
Vol. 128 No. 3 (2019)Native Hawaiian garden at the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai‘i,
University of Hawai‘i at Hilo (https://imiloahawaii.org), an education centre
bridging indigenous Hawaiian and western knowledge systems.
Photograph by Melinda S. Allen, July 2009. -
June 2019
Vol. 128 No. 2 (2019)Coastal seep behind Ahu Tongariki on the south coast of Rapa Nui.
Tanya Brosnan (California State University Long Beach) measures
the conductivity of the water to determine the relative salt content.
Photograph by Carl Lipo, 2015. -
March 2019
Vol. 128 No. 1 (2019)Special Issue: Te Ao Hou: Whakapapa as Practical Ontology
Cover image: Apirana Ngata and Te Rangihīroa (Peter Buck) with tukutuku panel,
outside the Bungalow, Waiomatatini, 1923. Photograph by James McDonald.
Courtesy of Alexander Turnbull Library, ref 1/2-007887-F. -
December 2018
Vol. 127 No. 4 (2018)Cover image: A photographic replication of Wiremu Te Rangikāheke’s
handwritten Māori text from “Tama a Rangi”, taken from a facsimile
of the manuscript provided by Auckland Public Library
(Grey Collection, GNZMMSS 43, dated 1849). -
September 2018
Vol. 127 No. 3 (2018)Cover image: Patrick Vinton Kirch in the Mussau Islands of
Papua New Guinea during archaeological fieldwork in 1986.