
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission complies with the Instructions on Manuscript Preparation and JPS Style Guide
  • Four appropriately qualified referees have been identified, along with brief justifications and email contacts. Please enter this information into the section titled "Pre-review Disscussions", along with any other communication to the Honorary Editor. Please do not include individuals who might have a conflict-of-interest (e.g., recent co-authors, current project collaborators, supervisors, etc.).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.

Author Guidelines

JOURNAL SCOPE: Waka Kuaka Journal of the Polynesian Society (Waka Kuaka) welcomes papers from a wide range of social, cultural, indigenous and historical disciplines on topics related to the past and present lives and cultures of peoples of Pacific/Oceanic heritage, including those of the traditional cultural areas of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. Waka Kuaka is published quarterly (March, June, September and December) and includes Main Articles, Shorter Communications and Book Reviews.


Main Articles range from 5000 to a maximum of 11,000 words (including references), while Short Communications are 4000 words or less. Book reviews are solicited by the Book Review Editor. We ask that authors be cognisant of our broad inter-disciplinary audience as they prepare their manuscripts for submission, taking care to: 1) make clear the broader significance of their work and 2) define disciplinary-specific and/or indigenous concepts and terms.

Authors must follow the recently revised 2022 JPS Style Guide.

Only original material not previously published will be considered for publication. Submitted manuscripts must not be under consideration elsewhere. Only one author submission will be considered at a time. Submitted manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Waka Kuaka style and formatting instructions (see below).  Manuscripts must be submitted through the JPS web page:  Figures are generally limited to 10. Endnotes must be in Waka Kuaka style and should be limited to a maximum of 20.


HOW TO SUBMIT A MANUSCRIPT: Manuscripts must be submitted through the JPS website. You will first need to register on the site if you have not previously done so. This involves selecting a username and password, and providing Waka Kuaka with some basic information. Near the bottom of the Registration page, under Register as be sure to tick the Author: Able to submit items to the journal option. Then hit the green Register button and you'll be taken to your USER HOME page.

If you have already registered then log in, click the USER HOME link at the top of the HOME page, and once on your USER HOME page you can make a new submission. 

OPEN ACCESS: Waka Kuaka Journal of the Polynesian Society adheres to a two-year embargo policy for all printed material, reflecting our commitment to the independent nature of the journal. However, the Society recognises the importance of making knowledge available to a wider audience and we offer an option for authors to make their contributions open access. This option is available for a fee of $1250 NZD, exclusive of GST, to support the associated costs. 

REFEREE PROCESS: Each manuscript is assessed by at least two qualified referees in the case of Main Articles and one in the case of Short Communications. Authors are requested to provide potential referees with suitable qualifications, as long as there are no serious conflicts of interest. Assessment is usually completed within four to five months of manuscript receipt, but can take longer.

All articles submitted to Waka Kuaka are considered for the Sir Hugh Kawharu Annual Writing Prize. Click here for more information.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.