Changes to the Journal of the Polynesian Society for 2023 Journal name and subscription model
25 October 2022
Tēnā koe and warm Pacific greetings subscribers,
We wish to update you on recent changes with the journal aimed at continuing the tradition of excellence long established with the Polynesian Society. First, we would like to announce the journal is now Waka Kuaka: The Journal of the Polynesian Society, a name change based on the flight of the kuaka, or the godwit, whose movements span the Pacific. A discussion of the name change will be published in the December 2022 issue.
We also wish to inform you that after thoughtful consideration over some time, the Polynesian Society Council has decided to move Waka Kuaka to an online-only format, beginning with the March 2023 issue.
This decision has been informed by the current costs of production and mailing, alongside environmental and sustainability considerations. We understand this may create difficulties for our subscribers and so we wish to advise you in advance and apologise for any inconvenience this decision causes. This is not a decision we have taken lightly, but one taken with the continued longevity of the journal in mind. Please note, all remaining issues for 2022 will be sent out as usual.
We do hope you continue to engage with Waka Kuaka: The Journal of the Polynesian Society and the exciting content we will produce in this new phase of the journal's long and very rich journey. We appreciate your continuous support as our Waka Kuaka takes flight on this new path.
Ngā mihi nui,
Marama Muru-Lanning Marcia Leenen-Young
Society President Journal Editor