Announcing the Annual Bruce Grandison Biggs Postgraduate Research Grants


The Polynesian Society was founded in 1892 to “promote the scholarly study of past and present New Zealand Māori and other Pacific Island peoples and cultures”. To mark the 125th anniversary of the Society, the Council of the Polynesian Society established a research grants fund, named for the late Professor Bruce Grandison Biggs, President of the Polynesian Society from 1979–1993.


The paramount purposes of the fund, as set out in its Trust Deed are:

  • to promote and advance the scholarly study of past and present peoples and cultures of Oceania, including New Zealand Māori, by supporting academic research, and
  • to provide grants to PhD and Masters candidates who are enrolled at New Zealand tertiary institutions whose research topics meet the criteria of eligibility for the award of a grant.


A Selection Committee, appointed by the Trustees, will consider applications from and award grants to applicants who are New Zealand citizens or permanent residents, are enrolled for PhD or Masters degrees at New Zealand tertiary institutions and whose research focusses on Māori and Pacific peoples and their cultures. Such students would normally be enrolled in social science or humanities disciplines, but there may well be exceptions, e.g., fine arts and music.


In light of the funds presently available, research grants will normally be around $1000 and not exceed $2000. They are tenable for one year.


Granted funds may cover travel and limited fieldwork expenses, including visa fees; grants will not cover equipment (e.g., digital devices, such as laptops, recorders, etc.) or accommodation. Some support may be provided for conference attendance, but is limited to conferences in NZ, Australia and the Island Pacific, and is conditional upon presenting a paper.


Applications should include a succinct research proposal, a full budget specifying the items for which funding is requested, a CV and a letter of support from the applicant’s principal supervisor. Grants will be provided as cash advances. Recipients of research grants are expected to provide a report to the Trustees on their research accomplishments, including how the funds granted were in fact spent. Recipients of awards for conference attendance are expected to report on their participation and provide an abstract of the paper they presented. 


Award recipients will also be expected to present a report on their research at the Society’s Annual General Meeting following the completion of their grant and are encouraged to publish their research findings. Successful applicants will be considered Honorary Members of the Polynesian Society for the year in which the grant is held.


Applications will be called for annually in February, will be considered in April and awards announced at the AGM of the Polynesian Society (normally in July).


The deadline for grant applications is 31 March of each year. An application may be submitted by email to or in writing to The Bruce Grandison Biggs Postgraduate Research Trust, The Polynesian Society, c/o James Henare Māori Research Centre, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142.