Jack Golson’s Foundational Contributions to the Archaeology of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Wider Pacific: Award of the 2022 Elsdon Best Medal



archaeology history, Aotearoa New Zealand, Pacific archaeology


As one of the key architects of the discipline of archaeology in Aotearoa New Zealand and the Western Pacific, the Polynesian Society is very pleased to have awarded Prof. Jack Golson, at its AGM held 8 August 2022, the Society’s Elsdon Best Medal for 2022 for services to archaeology.

Author Biography

Peter J. Sheppard, Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

Peter Sheppard is an Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, School of Social Sciences, Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland, having joined the academic staff in 1992 and retired in 2021. He has conducted archaeological research in the Solomon Islands since 1989 when, as a postdoctoral fellow, he was sent by Roger Green to Malaita to locate sources of chert found in the Lapita sites of Temotu Province. Returning to the Solomon Islands in 1996 he began a series of projects with his students and colleagues that involved survey and excavation throughout the islands of the Western Province. In 2009 he turned to the eastern Solomons, where he carried out field studies on Santa Ana, followed by research on Santa Cruz in Temotu Province with re-excavation and dating of the SE-SZ-8 Lapita site originally excavated by Green. Much of this work is summarised in the first monograph-length survey of Solomon Island archaeology, Archaeology of the Solomon Islands (University of Otago Press, University of Hawai‘i Press), which he published with Richard Walter in 2017. Peter is also Co-editor of the journal Archaeology in Oceania with Peter White.


