Can There Be Trust After a History of Colonialism and Exploitation? Award of the 2022 Nayacakalou Medal


  • Fuli Pereira Tāmaki Paenga Hira | Auckland War Memorial Museum


Indigenising museum practice, Nayacakalou, Pacific curator, museum


Pandora Fulimalo Pereira is the esteemed recipient of the 2022 Nayacakalou Medal, given for outstanding contribution to Pacific research and named after the late Dr Rusiate Nayacakalou (1927–1972). Dr Andrea Low, in her introduction of Fuli at the medal ceremony, referred to Fuli as “an innovator, advocate and champion for Pacific peoples and their treasures at Auckland Museum”. Andrea highlighted Fuli’s “singularity and leadership in developing and supporting radical Pacific methodologies”, emphasising Fuli’s national and international esteem as well as her impact as a role model and mentor in developing emerging Pacific museologists. This is a version of the talk that Fuli gave at the medal ceremony on her career and experiences as a Pacific curator in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Author Biography

Fuli Pereira, Tāmaki Paenga Hira | Auckland War Memorial Museum

Pandora Fulimalo Pereira is the Curator of the Pacific and World collections at Tāmaki Paenga Hira | Auckland War Memorial Museum. Fuli’s areas of research are the expressions of culture and identity through Pacific textiles, jewellery and fashion, and she has a strong interest in atoll material culture. Her curatorial practice strives to decentre the museum and reposition source communities as authority with agency. Fuli’s selected publications include Pacific Jewelry and Adornment (with Roger Neich, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2004), Pacific Art Niu Sila: The Pacific Dimension of Contemporary New Zealand Arts (co-edited with Sean Mallon, Te Papa Press, 2002) and “Arts Specific: Pacific Peoples and New Zealand’s Arts” (in Tangata o le Moana: New Zealand and the People of the Pacific, Te Papa Press, 2012).


